Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hello Kitty iPhone and iPod Docking Speaker

"It looks like a pig!"..."so cute"...."You getting?" When I showed some friends what I saw in our 2011 PC show at Suntec, that was the reaction I have gotten from them...I went there with an intention to get a mac book air cover....

You had to ask for the phamplets from the staff there since they are not really giving it out... It was really interesting when I asked for the phamplet, the staff asked me which version you want....LOL...The phamplets are so cute!! They are all so colorful....No wonder they are not giving them out....

Anyway...thats not the issue...This Hello Kitty speakers looks really cool! No doubt about the looks...the speakers are not as powerful as mentioned in the phamplets...The sound is loud enough...and of cos it is so noisy around the exhibition hall...I find the base of the speakers not as powerful...could it be cos of the table that was being used by the exhibitor? Not too sure about that...whatever it is this is die hard cute speakers!

Wanna get it but one of these cost like $188...everyone was telling me I can get better speakers...but but...its Hello Kitty!!! OMG!

1 comment:

  1. 今年のファッションには欠かせないアナスイが当ショップで豪華にご登場!アナスイ iphoneケースは女性が憧れているエレガントを与えてくれます。レトロブームに気づいたあなたはこのブームに乗りたいでしょう。この時は最大の夏大感謝セール実施しているiPhone ケース ブランドショップを思い出したら、嬉しい!魔女風のヴィヴィアン iphone ケースもこのレトロ感とスリ違いたくないので、人目を引いています。
